a relative of the victims criticizes the decision of justice live in “TPMP”

The JLD (Liberty and Detention Judge, editor’s note) has ruled: Pierre Palmade was not placed in pre-trial detention this Friday, February 17, 2023 but under house arrest in the addiction department of the Paul-Brousse hospital in Villejuif, under the control of an electronic bracelet. A decision which immediately led to a request for appeal from the Public Prosecutor’s Office.

As a reminder of the facts, the actor was indicted for manslaughter after having caused, on Friday February 10, a terrible traffic accident in Seine-et-Marne, near his home in Cély-en-Bière. Under the influence of narcotics, Pierre Palmade violently collided with a vehicle coming from opposite, with on board a 26-year-old woman, seven months pregnant, a 40-year-old father and his six-year-old son. The mother-to-be lost her unborn child, the man and his son are still in critical condition and very traumatized. This Friday, February 17, in TPMP, Cyril Hanouna invited Omer, the nephew of the hospitalized driver who underwent seven operations, to give his testimony following the recent court decision concerning Pierre Palmade. The host of C8 launches the subject, pointing out that the actor has not benefited from any privileges. “How did you react?” he asks his guest. “We were amazed… he should be condemned quickly, very quickly… with a bracelet, I think he can do something else. He has a zone limit, he can take drugs again, you never know with him…

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An electronic bracelet is for 6 months

Also invited to the set, the former magistrate Georges Fenech then clarified the conditions of this judicial decision: “it is a decision which was taken in accordance with the code of criminal procedure… at the time of the judgment, he incurs a very severe sentence since theoretically, he incurs up to 10 years. In this type of case, this can result in a mixed sentence of around four to five years accompanied by a suspended sentence, probation, an obligation of care, etc.” turning to Omer, who still seems very skeptical: “so you shouldn’t think for a second that because he was not placed in detention this evening, he had a preferential treatment, it is the judgment that will be important.

Géraldine Maillet then intervenes: “In a trial that will take place in two years… so during these two years, what will Pierre Palmade do?” “He will remain under judicial supervision.”, replies the former lawyer. The columnist continues: “But a judicial control which will be lightened as and when?”, she asks him. And Georges Fenech to specify: “It’s not impossible because normally the bracelet is for six months”. Revolted, the companion of Daniel Riolo continues: “You understand that it is unsustainable for the victims”, she asks him. And the magistrate concluded wisely: “I think that in a case like this, justice must show its ability to judge as quickly as possible, this kind of case must be treated as a priority.”.


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