a “quite absurd and inhuman” controversy for Manuel Bompard, deputy La France insoumise

“This controversy is in my opinion quite absurd and inhuman”estimated Manuel Bompard, deputy La France insoumise (LFI), Monday August 22 on franceinfo, in reaction to the controversy which follows the organization within the prison of Fresnes (Val-de-Marne) of filmed tests inspired by the show Koh Lanta for the benefit of associations, including a karting event. The Minister of Justice, Éric Dupond-Moretti, has “ordered an investigation” administration on the subject.

>> Was the karting race at Fresnes prison financed by the taxpayer, as members of the far right claim?

“What particularly shocks me is that the Keeper of the Seals has nothing better to do than jump rope [rebondir sur] controversies launched by the far right”, added the elected official of Bouches-du-Rhône. For him, Eric Dupond-Moretti “should be shocked at the state of prisons in France”. “He should be shocked that, despite a 2020 condemnation by the European Court of Human Rights for prison overcrowding in our country, nothing has been done to address these difficulties,” he insisted. Thereby, “the Keeper of the Seals would do better to tackle these difficulties”.

“It is a controversy that was initiated by the extreme right for an operation that dates from several weeks ago, which, at the time, had not aroused particular indignation and which is [aujourd’hui] instrumentalized”, underlined Manuel Bompard. The deputy Les Républicains Éric Ciotti, candidate for the presidency of his party, also took up the subject. On Twitter, he felt that “our prisons are not summer camps”.

“When I read the tweets that consist in saying that prison would have become Club Med, I invite people who say that to come to prison, especially in Fresnes”, retorted the former campaign manager of Jean-Luc Mélenchon during the last presidential election. So, “we will see that three prisoners are in a cell, 22 hours a day, in unsanitary situations, with rats in the corridors, with bedbugs in the cells, with mattresses on the floor. , it’s not Club Med!”he launched.

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