A Quebecer victim of the Hamas attack in Israel

A Montrealer, Alexandre Look, is one of the victims of Hamas’ assault on a music festival in Israel.

The sad news, confirmed by The dutywas first shared by his father, Alain Haim Look, on social media.

“He left us today in the land of Israel, following a terrorist attack. Like a true warrior, he left like a hero wanting to protect the people he was with,” we read in a Facebook post.

In a statement, the Chabad of Westmount organization confirmed that the family is part of the local Jewish community. Alexandre Look was in Israel for a trip, it is said.

For its part, the Advisory Center for Jewish and Israeli Relations specified that the young man was present at the Supernova music festival.

Survivor testimonies and videos posted on social media indicate that Hamas fighters attacked festival-goers in a broader offensive against Israel, launched Saturday morning.

The Government of Canada declared on Sunday evening that it was “aware” of the death of a Canadian in these attacks. Two other Canadians are also believed to be missing. Global Affairs Canada is not confirming their identities at this time.

More details will follow.

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