a pet dog to reassure patients at the dentist


Video length: 2 min

Brest: a companion dog to reassure patients at the dentist
Brest: a companion dog to reassure patients at the dentist
(France 2)

In Brest (Finistère), the city hospital offers a pet dog to reassure anxious patients who have an appointment with the dentist.

A new dental assistant in a hospital in Brest (Finistère). Children were afraid of consultations. Now, with Skully, the service mascot, going to the dentist has a different color. The two-year-old golden dog can thus reassure phobic patients, people with disabilities and the sick. A man suffers from cancer of the palate and appointments with specialists have been going on non-stop for several months. Skully’s presence allows him to think about something else.

Two dental surgeons initiated the arrival of the dog. For them, it is not an accessory, but a real daily help. A first in a hospital in France which surprises patients and brings smiles to each encounter. Caresses without moderation, but also very strict hygiene rules for the animal, which cannot wander throughout the establishment.

source site-14
