The first two episodes of the Syndrome E series, which is scheduled to be broadcast in the fall on TF1, were screened at the UGC in Lille, as part of the Series Mania festival, this Sunday. The author of the novel of the same name, published in 2010 and sold 750,000 copies, Franck Thilliez, saw the story he had once written down come to life on the big screen. This is the story of the meeting of two cops, gathered around an investigation into a mysterious film from the 60s which causes strange phenomena. Their investigations will take them from Morocco to Canada to shed light on troubled scientific experiments.
Resident of Mazingarbe, a small town between Lens and Béthune in Pas-de-Calais, Franck Thilliez is a bestselling author of crime novels and thrillers. The series adaptation of six episodes, with the scenario of Mathieu Missoffe and under the direction of Laure de Butler, is “faithful to its dark universe, with characters who have complex life journeys. I find it great to see a whole team working on an idea that I had several years agohe said. I know there is a strong expectation from readers to see what the characters are going to look like. Me in any case, as an author, I am very satisfied with this casting.
Its main character, commissioner Franck Sharko, finds himself embodied in the flesh by Vincent Elbaz. “I read several novels by Franck Thilliez and it allowed me to learn a lot about this characterhe explains. He describes for example that Sharko speaks with clenched jaws, mumblinghe says. He has a rather cold gaze, he is quite charismatic, and at the same time, he is absent from himself. He is someone who does not sleep, someone tormented, and it can be read on his hollow face.