a new tribute too organized for Johnny by Laeticia?

For several weeks, artists have stepped up to the plate and knocked out Laeticia Hallyday for the many tributes paid to Johnny! Singer Eddy Mitchell has indeed made it known that he did not give a damn about the initiatives of Laeticia Hallyday, which he even finds “quite morbid”. “It does not interest me absolutely not (…) They do what they want. Soon they will put it with a feather in the ass hanging anywhere … I do not care”, also declared Eddy Mitchell in “Sept à Huit” on TF1. An opinion shared by the actor Michel Leeb. “The tributes constantly, it’s tiring. I quite agree with Eddy on that, it’s something quite morbid, it’s morbid”, estimated Michel Leeb before continuing: “We, when we have lost people we love in the job or in everyday life (…) we don’t need all that to think about it and to have them with us, all these people that ‘We love. We don’t need all these salads, all these tributes which are very heavy each time and which are painful “.

Obviously, Laeticia Hallyday does not care about each other’s opinions! The widow of Taulier once again organized an event in his memory this Wednesday, December 1, 2021. She invited 200 guests to a special evening in Los Angeles, a city that Johnny Hallyday adored and where he had bought a villa. The opportunity to make them discover in preview the documentary “My name is Johnny” which tells the American tour of the rocker. It is with great pride that Laeticia Hallyday presented these images to the public. Jalil Lespert’s companion was accompanied by her two adopted daughters, Jade and Joy. The two teenagers could not contain their emotion. “My father has dreamed his whole life of performing on the legendary American stages and he was so proud to do so. There isn’t a day that we didn’t think of him. We miss him and love him more than everyone, “said Jade Hallyday in front of the guests, as reported by” Le Parisien “. “My daughters discovered the film tonight and they were in tears from start to finish, said Laeticia Hallyday. Friends in Los Angeles who shared Johnny’s life have mostly cried.”


See also: Atomized and ridiculed once again by Eddy Mitchell, Laeticia Hallyday responds in a … very particular way

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