a new preventive treatment against bronchiolitis


Video duration:
1 minute


Article written by

France 2 – F. Bouquillat, Y. Junqua, Y. Blombou

France Televisions

Beyfortus is a new treatment intended for babies under one year old. A single injection offers 83% protection against severe forms of bronchiolitis.

Avoiding the hospitalization each winter of thousands of babies suffering from severe bronchiolitis is the hope generated by Beyfortus. The latter is a brand new preventive treatment against this disease which affects nearly 500,000 infants each year. From this Friday, September 15, all pharmacies can order Beyfortus, which must be prescribed by the child’s doctor.

A very intense epidemic last winter

This treatment is intended for babies aged less than one year. A single injection of this monoclonal antibody offers 83% protection against severe forms of the disease. Last winter, the bronchiolitis epidemic began in October and was very intense in France. More than 73,000 infants went to the emergency room and nearly one in three had to be hospitalized for a severe form of the disease.

source site-14
