a new evacuation convoy of civilians from Azovstal scheduled for today

What there is to know

Despite the breach of the ceasefire, evacuations must continue in Mariupol. A new convoy organized by the UN and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is scheduled to exfiltrate civilians trapped in the Azovstal factory, besieged by Russian soldiers, Friday, May 6. A hundred people had already been able to leave this complex last weekend, but there would remain nearly 200, according to the mayor of Mariupol. Follow our live.

Russian oligarch’s yacht seized in Fiji. The authorities of the archipelago seized the ship Amadea at the request of the United States, the US Department of Justice announced on Thursday. The superyacht is suspected of belonging to Russian businessman and MP Suleiman Kerimov, targeted by European and American sanctions.

The Pentagon denies helping Ukrainian forces kill Russian officers. the New York Times said Wednesday, citing anonymous sources within the American services, that the information provided by the United States to the Ukrainian army had made it possible to target several Russian generals near the front. The Ministry of Defense denied on Thursday: “We do not provide information on the whereabouts of senior military commanders on the battlefield, nor do we participate in targeting decisions made by the Ukrainian military,” John said. Kirby, the Pentagon spokesman.

More than 6 billion euros in donations to Ukraine gathered at an international conference. The Polish Prime Minister announced that “this money will be distributed to support Ukraine and all those who support Ukraine”, at the end of the conference on Thursday.

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