a new complaint filed against Orpea by two caregivers

These two caregivers, who did not work at Orpea, filed a complaint for “falseness and use of forgery” against the group, accusing it of having used their names to multiply abusive hirings on fixed-term contracts.

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A new complaint has been filed against Orpea. According to information from franceinfo Tuesday, February 8, two nursing aides filed a complaint for “false and use of false” against the world leader in nursing homes and private clinics, after the publication of the book by Victor Castanet The Gravediggers.

These caregivers, who did not work at Orpea, accuse the group of having used their names to multiply abusive hirings on fixed-term contracts. The use of fixed-term contracts being regulated in retirement homes as in any company, Orpea presented the complainants as people with a permanent permanent contract, but who needed to be replaced. This made it possible to use replacement CDDs.

According to Sylvia Lasfargeas, the lawyer for these two caregivers, the group used them “in order to circumvent the law and disguise what seems to be abusive recourse to fixed-term contracts”. The lawyer specifies that a third caregiver is about to join the complaint. For its part, Orpea ensures “that there has never been a fictitious job”nor of “false employment contract”.

The investigation book The Gravediggers by independent journalist Victor Castanet, published at the end of January and devoted to the retirement home giant Orpea, caused an explosion by describing a system where hygiene care, medical care and even residents’ meals are “rationed” for improve the company’s profitability, while stays are charged at a high price.

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