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The top of the Negev is currently taking place in Israel and is angering the Palestinians. The journalist Lucas Villepin, live from Jerusalem for the 23 Hours of franceinfo, Monday March 28, provides an update on this diplomatic meeting.
In Israel, after the attack claimed by the Islamic State which left two dead and injured, the Funerals for the two victims, members of the Israeli border police, took place Monday, March 28 in Netanya. “This second attack forces the security forces to adapt quickly“, commented the Israeli Prime Minister, as the country hosts the Negev summit with the United States and several Arab countries.
“This Negev summit organized by Israel with its new Arab allies arouses the anger of the Palestinians, firstly because it is the first time that the Jewish state has organized a diplomatic meeting on its soil with three countries with which it has recently normalized its relations: the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Morocco“, reports journalist Lucas Villepin, live from Jerusalem (Israel) for the 23 Hours of franceinfo, Monday March 28. “The Palestinians therefore feel betrayed by their Arab brothers, and Egypt and the United States also participated in this summit. The Palestinians therefore understand that the question of the conflict is relegated to the background.“, adds the journalist, who specifies that this summit mainly focused on the consequences of the war in Ukraine or even on Iranian nuclear power.