a municipality in Pas-de-Calais welcomes 400 Ukrainian refugees


Video length: 5 min.

France 3

Article written by

A. Boutet, N. Berthier, C. Combaluzier, P. Gueny – France 3

France Televisions

Solidarity is organized in the village of Tilques (Pas-de-Calais). The inhabitants and the town hall do their best to integrate the 400 Ukrainian exiles welcomed: donation of furniture, housing and French lessons.

A year after the start of the war in Ukraine, solidarity continues to be activated. In Tilques (Pas-de-Calais), a resident empties the house of her deceased parents and distributes objects intended for the 400 Ukrainian refugees welcomed by the city. Five houses will thus be furnished. Lyudmila Pochereniuk, who occupies social housing at the foot of a tower, welcomes the arrival of her new bed. But she still mourns.

French lessons for everyone

The exiles welcomed are mostly women and children. This is the first time that the town hall has taken this initiative for refugees. She has also signed a work contract with one of them, Svitlana, who takes care of the housework and takes care of the children in kindergarten. Adults can attend free French lessons, when their children are on the benches of the school next door. Nearly 100,000 Ukrainian refugees live in France. With the French volunteers, many have found a new family.

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