“a multifactorial situation” says the head of the nutrition department at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital


Video length: 8 min

Obesity: “a multifactorial situation” says the head of the nutrition department at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital

On the occasion of World Obesity Day, Jean-Michel Oppert, head of the nutrition department at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital and Anne-Sophie Joly, founding president of the national collective of obese associations , are the guests of 12/13 info.

For Professor Jean-Michel Oppert, head of the nutrition department at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital, guest of 12/13 info Monday March 4, obesity is a “multifactorial situation”. It is caused by “environmental factors, behavioral factors, psychological factors and also socio-economic factors”he elaborates. “Obesity is not a lifestyle choice”assures Anne-Sophie Joly, president and founder of the national collective of obese associations, which criticizes manufacturers and ultra-processed products.

80% of products consumed are industrial

“Approximately 80% of our plate are products that are manufactured by industry. Indeed, they have a very big role to play (…) to improve information (…) but also to improve the quality of products,” agrees Professor Jean-Michel Oppert. Finally, with regard to children, Anne-Sophie Joly advises “be careful”, but assures that it is not possible to control or prohibit everything.

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