a military base near the Polish border was hit by the Russians



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A Russian bombardment targeted, Sunday, March 13, a Ukrainian military base located near the border with Poland. The journalist Thomas Cuny, in duplex since Korczowa (Poland)provides details.

The bombing of a Ukrainian military base near the border with Poland on Sunday March 13 left 35 dead. The Polish authorities are worried. “A concern that is all the stronger as the bombardments have been felt so far, on the Polish border”reports journalist Thomas Cuny, in duplex from Korczowa (Poland).

The Poles find it difficult to conceal their anguish. “Some have told us that they are ready to flee the region if [la guerre] had to happen. In front of the town halls, the queues are getting longer to renew your passport”, continues the journalist. Since Poland is part of NATO, many hope that Russia will not come to Poland. In the field, journalists from France Télévisions did not “no reinforcement of the military system”but note that the authorities are “more tense than usual”.

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