A mare escapes from a trailer and gallops on Highway 40 near Repentigny

An injured mare caused quite a stir by galloping freely on Highway 40 this afternoon, in the Repentigny sector, after escaping from her owner’s trailer.

The incredible story began when the couple transporting the beast stopped in the shoulder of Highway 40, before crossing Highway 640, because the mare seemed agitated.

The injured mare was brought under control after a panicked few minutes on the highway.

Photo provided by Marco Lelièvre

The injured mare was brought under control after a panicked few minutes on the highway.

The owner then tried to contain and reassure the animal, which had significant injuries to a thigh and a leg, but he took to their heels.

Trucker Marco Lelièvre witnessed the whole scene. He was about to give the man a hand when the mare fled.

“There are people with pickup and cars that piled up to try to contain it, ”describes the 41-year-old man.


Won over by adrenaline, Marco Lelièvre ran towards the beast to prevent the situation from getting out of hand.

“You have to contain it, someone has to catch it,” he said to himself.

Blood belonging to the mare was smeared on the trailer.

Photo provided by Marco Lelièvre

Blood belonging to the mare was smeared on the trailer.

It should be noted that in a westerly direction, traffic was slow, but the mare “nearly” jumped in the opposite direction, where motorists were driving at high speed.

“It could have caused a pileup,” agrees Marco Lelièvre.

long minutes

“I would tell you that she walked for a good three, four minutes before we managed to contain her, he adds. Me, I left my truck in the right lane and I ran on the highway. When I saw that she was coming towards me […]I waited for it.”

The Sûreté du Québec confirmed to the Log intervened on the scene, but when the police arrived, the mare had been subdued.

No statement of offense would have been given to the owner of the beast.

– With Maxime Deland, QMI Agency

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