A manifesto to demystify menopause

After The vagina bibleJen Gunter comes to us with the French version of her famous Manifesto of Menopausea work that is both “factual and feminist”, translated by Trécarré.

Posted at 4:00 p.m.

Silvia Galipeau

Silvia Galipeau
The Press

A popular voice on the web, the gynecologist from Winnipeg demystifies here this unloved “phase”, which is not a “pause”, as her name suggests (“dripping with patriarchy”, as she puts it, that gives you an idea of ​​the tone).

The text, both complicit and scientific, funny although rigorous, sometimes takes on the air of a biology 101 lesson. Examples, resources and proven studies to support it. This “manifesto” provides necessary information to all women who are still wondering about the issue: the symptoms, their cause, how to manage them, you will know everything. Including valuable facts about hormone treatments.

The manifesto of menopause

The manifesto of menopause


520 pages

source site-52