a man uses a firearm in the direction of the police officers of the BAC

They were called for several detonations heard by residents of the neighborhood. Three police officers from the Anti-Crime Brigade (BAC), initially mobilized on the anti-vaccine and anti-health pass demonstration, intervened in the Habas la Pleine district, this Saturday afternoon, in front of 5 rue Suzanne Garanx. Upon their arrival, the officers noticed the shots and equipped themselves accordingly, before advancing behind a shield to the foot of the building.

They then see on the balcony of the second floor, a man of sixty years, standing, weapon in hand. While the bullets continue to whistle, the police take cover behind the car of a local resident. They apostrophize him, ask him to present his hands. Meanwhile, one of the three runs inside the building, climbs the stairs to reach the second floor, and presents himself to the open door of the apartment.

He denies having targeted the police

Man on a respirator, visibly ill, did not show resistance when arrested and in his home, officers found several firearms. According to the first observations, the sixty-year-old was having fun pulling on deodorant caps installed on a table, with in particular a 22 caliber revolver. But on the way back down to the street, the police found that the car parked in the street, with which they had used protection, had two bullet holes on the windshield. Despite this, the Bayonnais arrested denies having wanted to reach the officials of the BAC. No injuries are to be deplored.

The man is in police custody in a hospital environment. The investigation is underway by the Urban Security Department (DSU) of the Bayonne police station. The public prosecutor described the facts as attempted murder of persons holding public authority. The SGP Unit union – which “congratulate professionalism” of the three colleagues – recalls that “since the beginning of 2021 the police have had to use their weapons twice in a state of necessity”, beyond this case.

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