A man found dead near the Allier river, in Mur-sur-Allier

The body of an 82-year-old man was found on the banks of the Allier river, in the town of Mur-sur-Allier, near Clermont-Ferrand this Saturday, January 29. The emergency services intervened after having spotted the body during an overflight of the Dragon 63 helicopter. They could only note the death of the victim.

A witness gives the alert

It was a witness who gave the alert a little earlier. The latter would have seen the victim lean and fall from a footbridge on the bridge between Dalet and Mezel, at Lake Cournon. It was the divers who intervened to recover the body.

Suicide or accident?

An investigation is now underway to determine if it is an accident or a suicide, indicates the Parquet of Clermont-Ferrand. The family will be consulted to find out if the octogenarian had suicidal tendencies. The investigations are entrusted to the gendarmerie of Pont-du-Château.

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