More than 3,000 euros have already been collected in a few hours in this kitty launched by the director of the primary school where the little girl was educated.
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A prize pool has been put online to financially support little Loana’s family, Franceinfo noted on Sunday October 22 on the Leetchi website, confirming information from the newspaper The voice of the North. This Sunday at 6 p.m., 157 participants had promised to donate 3,223 euros.
A prize pool launched by the director of the primary school where the little girl was educated
The prize pool was launched by Caroline Dasnoy, the director of the Esplanade primary school, in Sedan, where Loana’s two little brothers attend school. The DSDEN (Directorate of Departmental National Education Services) of Champagne-Ardennes assures for its part that this is indeed a personal initiative on the part of the director, France Bleu Champagne-Ardenne has learned.
In the description of the prize pool, we can read: “We offer to support Loana’s family financially and to bring all our compassion to this painful ordeal she is going through.“
Loana’s loved ones “touched” by the prize pool
For their part, Loana’s relatives confirmed to France Bleu Champagne-Ardenne that Caroline Dasnoy contacted them before launching this prize pool, an initiative well received by the family: “We are very happy and this means a lot to us.“Among the many messages that appear on the internet page, several participants express their support for the little girl’s family:”all my condolences to the family“, we can read, or even: “All my support to the family in this painful ordeal.“
Loana, 10 years old, was found dead on Wednesday October 18 in the cellar of a building in Sedan (Ardennes). A 57-year-old man, suspected of being the perpetrator of the murder and rape of the victim, was indicted on Friday October 20 and placed in pre-trial detention.