a job forum this Wednesday, May 4 at the Hôtel de Ville in Tours

The Forum Tours pour l’Emploi returns on Wednesday May 4, 2022, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., at the Hôtel de Ville and on Boulevard Heurteloup.

More than 1,000 job offers will be to be seized and many tools will be made available to increase their chances: advice workshops to build a CV and prepare for recruitment interviews, presence of a professional photographer for quality photos, career counseling professional…

Near 100 exhibitors will be distributed on the 1st median strip of boulevard Heurteloup and at the Hôtel de Ville.

At the Town Hall of Tours:

o the Business Area with 61 exhibitors (Wedding room and Party room)

oh Advice workshops for preparing for recruitment interviews, a professional photographer for quality photos on candidates’ CVs (Anatole France room)

o A reception under the Regional Public Guidance Service

o Professional development advice

o Partner stands: Job Touraine, BIJ 37, CCI, MEDEF, etc.

On the 1st median strip of boulevard Heurteloup:

o Place de l’Interim – 21 agencies

o Place de l’Alternance – 17 CFA and Training Organizations

o Vocational Orientation and Integration Service – Chamber of Trades and Crafts

Forum free and open to all audiences.

source site-35