a humorist from “Télématin” tackles “Love is in the meadow” after the discovery of a sordid zoophile affair!

“A man prosecuted in the Vosges for having made love to chickens…”began by telling comedian Alex Vizorek during his press review on the set of “Télématin” this September 21. Before adding: “She is going a little too far this season of ‘Love is in the meadow'”. A sequence shared by the show’s Twitter account and which made Internet users laugh a lot, like the latter who wrote: “Move from one subject to another”. And Karine Le Marchand, what would she think? We imagine that she would laugh about it, as she has made humor her trademark!

Although, lately, Stéphane Plaza’s sidekick had not really appreciated the diversion of his interviews with potential candidates for “Love is in the meadow”. During these interviews, Karine Le Marchand asked them what their sexual orientation was, inevitable to participate in her show, but with the magic of the editing, we only hear her guess that they are gay… Or even that she has a radar to guess who is gay or not. A little game that did not make everyone laugh and propelled the TV host into TT on Twitter.

Some took it badly but many laughed it off! “Today is the 7th anniversary of my coming out. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was 15, I asked myself a lot of questions. And then one day Karine Le Marchand came in my college and told me that I was gay in front of my whole class. My life changed that day…”for example dropped a user with a lot of irony while another swung: “We are not born gay, we become gay when Karine Le Marchand decides”.

Of the type to laugh at everything, this little joke hadn’t really amused her. Unlike this time when she threw a few insults at someone on her team, a certain Hugo. “You don’t assume, you don’t assume what you do you bitch”she threw him hilarious in a video that she shared on her Instagram account. “Hugo tells the assistants that Karine can’t stand being looked into her eyes”, explains a person on the set to whom she asked to explain the situation. Meanwhile, Karine Le Marchand is bent over laughing and throws a “what a jerk”.

Laura Bertrand

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