a high school student opposes the law in Florida



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In Florida, high school student Will Larkins gave a presentation on queer history to oppose the “Don’t Say Gay” law. It prohibits the mention of LGBTQ+ issues in schools. This act was criticized by his establishment which sanctioned it.

Passed in March 2022, the “Don’t Say Gay” law concerns schools in the State of Florida. “The law prohibits talking in class about sexuality or gender identity”, explains Will Larkins, 17, president of the queer student association of his high school.

A few days after the law was passed, Will caused a scandal by giving a presentation to his class on the Stonewall riots, which occurred in 1969, a major event for the LGBTQ+ community.

Will has been sanctioned by his administration and is fighting against this law.

The ‘Don’t Say Gay’ law is terrifying because it prohibits dialogue, which doesn’t happen anyway but should happen for years of building up“says the young man.

If someone had said to me ‘you know, you don’t have to have a gender binary, a lot of people don’t’, my life would have been completely different.”.

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