“A good thing for civilians”, reacts Olivier Dussopt

Invited by franceinfo this Saturday, the Minister Delegate in charge of Public Accounts said he was waiting to “see what happens in the next few hours”.

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If a decision allows civilians to move away from a combat zone, it is good news for civilians“, reacted on franceinfo this Saturday Olivier Dussopt, Minister Delegate to the Minister of Economy, Finance and Recovery, in charge of Public Accounts.

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Russia announced on Saturday a ceasefire to allow the evacuation of civilians from two cities in eastern Ukraine, including the strategic port of Mariupol under blockade, after consultations between representatives of Kiev and Moscow .

This does not mean that there are consequences for the entire conflict and the Ukrainian crisis. Let’s see what happens in the next few hours“, however relativized Olivier Dussopt, but”if this announcement allows civilians to be sheltered, it is a good thing for them.

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