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The month of February will gradually mark the end of health restrictions. A hope for many French people.
February 2 will be Candlemas. We’ll blow up the pancakes… and the mask outside. There will no longer be a gauge in the stadiums, the XV tricolor will therefore receive Italy in a full Stade de France. No more gauge either in the performance halls, but it will be necessary to wait until February 16 for the standing concerts. Professionals display mixed satisfaction. “Several studies have shown that standing shows are no more dangerous than seated shows. We are both happy to have a horizon, and at the same time we would have liked the horizon to be closer“, says Jean-Christophe Aplincourt, director and programmer of 106 in Rouen (Seine-Maritime).
Also on February 16, the nightclubs will reopen, and there too we hesitate between relief and mistrust. Consuming at the counter will again be possible, this will mean being much more numerous in a bar. “People will be able to really resume a normal life”, rejoices a customer. These measures are generally appreciated, if they prove to be definitive.