a “Ghost of kyiv” warns of the limits of Ukraine’s air defense

At first we believed in a providential hero who had come to defend kyiv. When, in February, Russia launches its offensive in Ukraine, pilots aboard Ukrainian fighter planes come to prevent enemy troops from entering the capital. Faced with the success of the operation, the squadron is nicknamed the “Ghost of kyiv”.

franceinfo was able to speak with one of these pilots. He calls himself “Juice”, because he does not drink alcohol. For security reasons, he cannot reveal his name or that of his unit. Faced with the limitations of Ukraine’s air defense, the pilot calls on the international community to deliver new anti-aircraft systems and more modern fighter planes to better protect the cities.

franceinfo: Why does your squadron have the nickname “Ghost of kyiv”?

“Juice” : Because we protect the capital, as well as central and northern Ukraine. This name appeared by chance on social networks. At the beginning of the war, a resident of kyiv saw a plane flying over the city. He appeared through the clouds and disappeared very quickly, giving the impression of a guardian angel. Thus was born this legend of the ghost of kyiv. But, in reality, it is a whole unit whose planes took off one after the other to intercept Russian missiles, planes and helicopters.

What was your last mission?

It was a pretty standard mission a week ago. Our task is to intercept Russian cruise missiles launched in a northerly direction. Unfortunately, it doesn’t just depend on the driver.

“The possibility of detecting and destroying Russian missiles is quite low… With our weapons and planes, it’s almost impossible.”

“Juice”, Ukrainian pilot

at franceinfo

Why ? What is the difference between Russian and Ukrainian planes?

The difference is huge. This is what we keep repeating. The Russians have a technical advantage in the air and in confrontation, with much more advanced on-board radars and long-range missiles with homing heads. As a result, we don’t even see them on our radars when they are already shooting at us. They also have more advanced defense and navigation systems. We fly Soviet planes with ammunition that dates back to that time.

Do you have enough planes?

Good sure that no ! Above all, it is not about quantity but about quality. We have managed to refurbish some of our old planes thanks to our partners who provided us with spare parts. But, with these planes, one can accomplish only basic missions. we are not coming to be very effective with our technical capacities to defend our cities, our vital infrastructures, to effectively support our infantry at the front and to destroy the enemy infrastructure…

“With the intensity of the fighting, our reserves are running out very quickly. One day, we won’t have any left. That’s why we have to move very quickly to Western standards in terms of armament.”

“Juice”, Ukrainian pilot

at franceinfo

What are your needs ?

For the air force, the priority is air defense, that is, anything that can be more effective in countering Russian missiles. Also, we need new multifunctional fighter planes that can contribute to the defense of our cities and inflict heavy losses on enemy positions and their infrastructure.

What mission are you most proud of?

At the very beginning, when the enemy was in the north, in the regions of kyiv, Chernihiv and Sumy, we accompanied Ukrainian bombers attacking Russian convoys and positions. I was supporting our army operations on the ground. I drew the attention of the enemy planes so that our bombers could accomplish their mission and return safe and sound. Thanks to my action, the mission was a success.

“Our reserves are running out very quickly”: a “Ghost of kyiv” warns of the limits of Ukraine’s air defense

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