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Guest on the set of 23 Hhave to francidoh, sSaturday, April 2, François Miquet-Marty, president of the Viavoice institute, deciphers the various factors that could tip the presidential election next weekend.
A week before the first round of the presidential election, many French people are still undecided and do not know who they will vote for once in the voting booth. “There’s a general atmosphere that reminds me of the 2002 presidential campaign where a lot of people were saying, ‘This campaign, it’s not working very well, it’s not very convincing, there aren’t too many differences between Jospin, Chirac etc…’ And there, today, we have a lot of indicators that remind us of that. We have 54% of French people who believe that the presidential campaign has not yet started. Once again, we are at a week of the first round so there is something wrong somewhere”indicates François Miquet-Marty, president of the Viavoice institute, guest on the set of the 23 Hours of franceinfo, Saturday April 2.
There are many factors that could tip this ballot, such as the abstention rate or even people who are still undecided. François Miquet-Marty also highlights some “variations”. From “audiences who are changing or moving”there would be “especially young people. When we see voting intentions progressing in favor of Marine Le Pen at the moment, in particular with a view to a hypothetical second round in which she would be present, it is especially young people who, from more and more people intend to vote for Marine Le Pen”he deciphers.