Video length: 3 mins.
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A former member of the Foreign Legion, Franck decided to join the International Legion on Ukrainian soil. He agreed to testify openly.
Franck is a sniper. For more than a year, he has been fighting in Ukraine and filming his daily life. He is French, married, and the father of a nine-year-old boy. “I know I miss a lot of time with my son, but honestly isn’t it worth it? In Kiev, kids have a normal life with their mom and dad. When I see them, I’m the happiest of men. “
Thirteen months of struggle
After ten years in the Foreign Legion, Franck joined the special unit of the Ukrainian army reserved for foreigners. He was in all the battles: Irpin, Boutcha, Bakhmout, Zaporijjia. “Except during the Second World War, no soldier can say that he experienced this”, estimates the one who claims to have killed up to seven Russian soldiers in the same day. Franck intends to stay until “one mission too many” who will bring him home. He has been fighting on Ukrainian soil for thirteen months. For the past few days, he had been resting in kyiv, waiting for his next mission.