a French selection will participate in the first Granny World Cup


Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

A. Laurent, S. Allec, A. Jourdan – France 3

France Televisions

In football, there is Euro 2024 which is being prepared with Kylian Mbappé as captain, but there is also the World Cup for “football grannies”. A women’s team in their fifties and over who are about to leave for South Africa for this competition.

It’s been the same ritual for two months. Every Thursday after work, Audrey, 52, prepares her outfit to go play football. “Running a little, stretching, it’s technical but fun too so it’s great and it feels good”, she rejoices. After an hour’s drive, she finds Patricia, her coach, in Saint-Just-en-Chaleyssin (Isère) but also Marie-Claire and other players from a club, for their weekly session.

The World Cup in sight

“When I told my grandson that I was going to an international football tournament, he opened his eyes like that. It’s great, now he tells all his friends about it”, testifies Marie-Claire Jaguet, 65 years old. Participating in the first Grannies World Cup at the end of the month in South Africa is indeed their goal for the season. They will fly away with the feeling of having won a first victory over prejudice.

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