a free medical consultation will be offered to French people aged 25, 45 and 65, announces the Minister of Health

The Minister of Health, François Braun, announced in the “JDD” the establishment of three free medical visits at “three key ages of life”.

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“We are entering the era of prevention.” François Braun, the Minister of Health, announced in the Sunday newspaper that the French would soon be offered three free medical consultations at three different ages: 25, 45 and 65. This measure will be part of the Social Security financing bill (PLFSS) for 2023, presented at the end of September to the Council of Ministers.

The idea is to “better follow” the younger generations “during their lifetime”, with emphasis on particular elements at these different ages. For French people aged 25, the consultation will aim to “take stock of vaccines, their physical activity, possible addictions or difficulties related to the start of professional life”.

At 45, the doctor will discuss with the patient the need for screening for different cancers and the consideration of mental health. At age 65, issues related to “loss of autonomy”specifies the Minister of Health at JDD.

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