a former railway executive called to the bar



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The young railway executive implicated in the trial of the Brétigny-sur-Orge disaster appeared upset at the helm, Wednesday, April 27. The journalist Nathalie Perez, live from the correctional court of Évry, in Essonne, take stock of the day.

At the trial of the Brétigny-sur-Orge disaster (Essonne), the young railway executive implicated was at the helm, Wednesday, April 27. The man, who was 24 at the time of the events, appeared very moved when discussing the tragedy. “He is a tense, stressed man, who began by apologizing to the victims. For nine years, he says, ‘there hasn’t been a day when I haven’t thought about this terrible tragedy'”reports journalist Nathalie Pérez, live from the correctional court of Évry (Essonne).

The respondent also clarified that at the time, it was his first job. “I was 24 years old, I had to monitor twenty people, I was in charge of monitoring 50 km of tracks, it was morally and physically exhausting”, explained the man at the helm, quoted by the journalist. He then recounts that on the day of the accident, he was told to go on vacation for three weeks. “He admits that on his return, he had to explain himself. The SNCF briefed him, he says”continues Nathalie Pérez, who adds that according to the words of the former executive, the company has never manipulated him. “What did he know about the state of the tracks? Did the young engineer know the fragility of certain parts? will be questioned when the court considers the facts on May 25.concludes the journalist.

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