A light to illuminate. “IThe glow of an aerial object was observed in the sky of kyiv”, Wednesday, April 18, the head of the military administration of the Ukrainian capital said on Telegram. “According to initial information, this phenomenon is the consequence of the fall of a NASA satellite on Earth”he added. The US space agency announced earlier in the week that the Rhessi satellite, weighing some 300 kg, would return to the atmosphere at an undetermined time on Wednesday. Follow our live.
NASA denied. In a statement to AFP, NASA said its Rhessi satellite had not yet entered the atmosphere at the time of the light flash observed above Kiev. The air alert was activated in the capital, but “air defense did not go into action”assured the military administration.
Continuation of the visit of the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs to Latin America. After Brazil, Venezuela and Nicaragua, Sergei Lavrov arrived Wednesday evening in Havana. He will meet there Thursday Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel, re-elected without surprise Wednesday at the head of Cuba, and his Minister of Foreign Affairs Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla, according to a ministerial press release.