A first “Denis Villeneuve” prize | The Press

The Prix Prend ça court gala! announced on Monday the creation of the Denis Villeneuve “Coup de coeur” Prize, which will be awarded for the first time on April 29 as part of the Rendez-vous Québec Cinéma. This is the first prize with which the director’s name is associated.

Posted at 11:57 a.m.

Alexandre Vigneault

Alexandre Vigneault
The Press

“The quality of cinema is not measured by its length, but by its ardor, its audacity and its poetry,” said Denis Villeneuve, in a press release. It is therefore with great pleasure that I take part in the Prends ça court party! by introducing a new award that will highlight these three strengths! »

The winning film will be chosen and awarded by the director of Dune and Blade Runner 2049 from among the 55 works selected. The award is officially called the Denis Villeneuve “Coup de coeur” Prize and will be accompanied by a $20,000 scholarship granted thanks to the participation of half a dozen public and private partners.

Denis Villeneuve directed several short and medium-length films before shooting his first film, August 32 on earthin 1998. After participating in The Europe-Asia Race (1990-1991), he notably directed REW-FFWDa music video for Daniel Bélanger (Bewitched) and a segment of the film Cosmos. He returned to short film in 2008 with NextFloorfrom a screenplay by Jacques Davidts (The parents, Guys).

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