A first assessment of the 100% health system

The magazine “60 million consumers” has just released a special issue “Glasses, how to reduce the bill” which takes stock of the 100% health system.

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Sophie Coisne, science journalist at 60 million consumers which leaves a special issue: “Glasses, how to reduce the bill?” is the guest of franceinfo conso on Saturday 23 October.

franceinfo: what is 100% health?

Sophie Coisne. The 100% health is a device that allows full reimbursement of glasses, hearing aids and dental. You must choose your frame from a choice of at least 17 frames and your lenses are adapted to your correction. They include three automatic treatments: thinned, anti-scratch and anti-reflection. The offer is flexible: you can choose only the frame or only the lenses.

What does your investigation reveal?

We played mystery shoppers in 5 brands to see in the field what a study by the DGCCRF found: some opticians are dragging their feet in promoting 100% health. This would at least partly explain why the French do not adhere to it. The prices of 100% Health are very limited indeed. A frame costs a maximum of 30 euros when a branded frame can be worth 250. With 100% health, two glasses cost between 65 and 235 euros for myopia or astigmatic type corrections, and between 150 and 340 euros to correct presbyopia . Remember that a progressive mount free of charge can quickly cost 1000 euros!

Are opticians playing the game?

We cannot say that opticians are showing their enthusiasm for 100% health. The 100% health frames are not visible, and the quote does not include a 100% health quote although it is mandatory and must be presented to the customer first. And a lot of customers are not familiar with the device. The French are among the best reimbursed in the world in terms of optics: they only pay 27% of their glasses on average. Obviously, it plays. But if you pay less for your glasses, you may also be able to take out a cheaper mutual. Savings generate savings.

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