A final conservative debate that will not go down in history

The only three candidates who showed up in the very lackluster final debate of the Conservative Party of Canada leadership contest took on very little of each other, reserving their criticisms for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau or the alleged leader of the race. chiefdom, Pierre Poilievre, who was conspicuous by his absence.

Organized in a complex of industrial premises located on the outskirts of Ottawa, near the airport, the third official meeting of the party brought together only the former Premier of Quebec Jean Charest, the Ontario federal deputy Scott Aitchison and the former Ontario MPP Roman Baber, all seated around the same table in a cramped room.

The organization promised to “energize new and old members” with an event that lives up to its budget, as guided by its conservative principles. She delivered a debate without an audience, without elaborate camera shots, and afflicted with some sound problems.

“We all agree, a real leader needs to show up,” dropped Jean Charest in English as an attack on his main opponent, presumed race leader Pierre Poilievre.

The message was sent simultaneously on social networks, where the Charest clan shared messages such as “where is Pierre”, and “Are you afraid, brother? » [You scared, bro ?]taking on the aesthetic of memes on the web.

Call to vote

Meanwhile, on the artisanal television set, Mr. Charest once again presented himself as the only candidate who is in a position to win the next election, which he says could be called any day, given the context of a minority government.

“You can unite this party,” he insisted, pointing at the camera.

The former premier of Quebec has avoided attacks against the other candidates Aitchison and Baber, who were trying to convince listeners to place them on the first choice of their ballot. The exercise turned out to be more perilous in the second half of the debate, in the language of Molière.

The themes of health, transport and taxation, in particular, gave rise to generally consensual speeches centered on the need to defeat the Liberal Party in the next election.

At most, the candidates politely debated the merits of supply management in the dairy industry, a program of which Mr. Charest said he was the only defender. Scott Aitchison insisted on the perils of the division of the conservatives. Roman Baber alluded to his opposition to certain health measures against COVID-19, and asked to imagine him facing in the next election Justin Trudeau, “or, worse, Chrystia Freeland. »

“By the next elections, I will speak French [aussi bien] than English,” Mr. Aitchison finally promised in his closing argument.

The exchanges during the previous debates were marked by the rivalry between the candidates Pierre Poilievre and Jean Charest. The two men have transposed their attacks on the Web, where they have been insulting each other for several months.

As of Wednesday, 150,000 Conservative members had already voted for their next leader, or about 22% of the roughly 678,000 members.

Better to do than debate

Two of the five candidates for leader had better things to do than run: Ontario MP and front-runner Pierre Poilievre, as well as Ontario MP and candidate who champions the cause of the opposition to the right to abortion, Leslyn Lewis.

Even though the final debate was taking place a stone’s throw from his constituency, Pierre Poilievre declined his party’s invitation, arguing that he had crossed swords enough with his opponents in the race. His campaign ridiculed the organization of the only official debate in English, in Edmonton. Mr. Poilievre was in Saskatchewan on Wednesday.

The only Quebec elected official who supports his campaign, Pierre Paul-Hus, told the To have to Wednesday that he did not know if he himself was going to watch this debate, described as useless.

Candidate Leslyn Lewis also announced her absence from this last debate, citing a scheduling conflict with an event already planned for her campaign. The absent candidates were assessed a $50,000 penalty by the party.

Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown, who took part in other official debates as a candidate, was disqualified from the leadership race by Conservative Party authorities in July. He is accused of having “accepted donations from a company”, which is contrary to Canadian electoral law, as well as for irregularities in the sale of several hundred membership cards


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