This Monday evening at 6:30 p.m., the documentary “Un pin’s pour l’Empereur” is screened, on the theme of micro nations all over the world, at the Marcel Pagnol cinema in Aigues-Mortes. The director, Dominique Garingsur, has also passed through the city to meet his princely couple.
Indeed, the city of Aigues-Morte is home to one of the most famous micro-nations in the world: “The Principality of Aigues-Morte”. Behind this strange principality, fictitious of course, hides a very real association, which endeavors to support and promote local initiatives in a humorous tone. The principality was created in June 2011 among around 400 other micro nations spread all over the planet. In 2017, the principality even minted its own currency, the flamingo, in order to promote an ethical and local economy in the city and its surroundings.
– Julie Gasco
Like any principality, it is ruled by a prince and a princess with whom the public can exchange at the end of the film.