a famous farmer announces his breakup on Christmas day!

This is very sad news that fans of “Love is in the meadow” have just learned. Indeed, Sunday, December 25, one of the participants of the 16th vintage announced to be single again. Remember, a year ago came the very robust Valentin, a Breton with a green thumb and big blue eyes. This young farmer had specialized in planting edible flowers that he sold to the great chefs of the region. Behind his imposing silhouette, he hid a great shyness but also a sacred character. And it was in the arms of Charley, a young dentist, that the bachelor had found love.

But boom, a little over a year after their meeting, the two lovebirds ended their beautiful story. It was Valentin who announced the bad news yesterday, Sunday December 25, on social networks. “Thank you for your holiday messages but I must announce that the relationship between Charley and I has come to an end, […] Nevertheless, I wish you happy holidays and lots of good things, love yourself, enjoy yourself, enjoy the good times, I kiss you”.

2022, Annus horribilis for Valentine

If the year 2022 will soon bow out, it is not the Breton who will complain. It must be said that Valentin has just gone through complicated months both personally and professionally. Victim of Covid-19 and its crisis, friendly disappointments, summer drought and numerous insomnias, the farmer even considered the worst.Several chefs can no longer afford my products… And I remember one evening, in June, when I sat down in front of my garden. I saw all my burnt red fruits, the burnt grass… I wondered what I was going to become and I still couldn’t answer the question. Luckily I’m staying with my dad. I wonder which of the infarction or stroke awaits me first at the turn…“, he lamented in a recent interview with West France.


See also: “No matter what, he’s crazy!” : Karine Le Marchand embarrassed after a sexual allusion!

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