a famous contestant of season 7 reveals to be in a relationship with a woman

In June 2013 began the seventh season of Secret Story. If this edition was won by Anaïs Camizuli, it was punctuated by the presence of many emblematic candidates such as Julien Guirado, Eddy, Vincent Queijo, Alexia Mori, Clara Bermuda or even the twins Morgane and Sabrina Gromer.

Easily identifiable twins since Sabrina displayed a rather masculine androgynous look and proudly showed her passion for motor sports while Morgane was a much more feminine look with long blond hair.

Morgane appears in a relationship with a woman
On October 24, Morgane gave her news on Instagram. Against all expectations, it is she who displays very short hair today… and she did not fail to reveal that she is in a relationship with a woman.

“I love you because… You make me feel beautiful. With you, life is simple. You listen to me without judging me. In your arms, all my problems fly away. I can always count on you. With you, everything is possible. You are the woman of my life” she happily wrote in the caption of a photo where she appears alongside the chosen one of her heart.

Something to delight its subscribers who reacted by expressing their enthusiasm for this joyful news. “Very very beautiful photo, natural and cool”, “Too beautiful both” can we for example read in comments.


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