a Dordogne company lacks bottles for Bergerac wines

“We only have fifteen-day visibility.” Jean-Marc Fontaine, the general manager of Unidor, the largest bottler in the Dordogne based in Saint-Laurent-des-Vignes, is facing a major shortage of glass bottles. The company bottles 15 million bottles each year. Since the war in Ukraine and rising fuel prices, production has dropped significantly and delivery times are getting longer. “It’s very complicated, the delays sometimes reach two or three months”he explains at the microphone of France Bleu Périgord this Friday morning in the New eco. White bottles, in particular used for Monbazillac, are the most affected by this shortage.

I have colleagues who had to stop production for two or three days to deal with this shortage

The situation is partly explained by the war in Ukraine. The factory of one of the largest European suppliers was hit by a bombardment. There have also been major strikes in Spain: truck drivers have stopped deliveries and blocked roads in protest at skyrocketing fuel prices. “I have colleagues who had to stop production for two or three days to deal with this shortage, continues Jean-Marc Fontaine. We can also ask our customers to change the size or color of the bottles, but it’s complicated.”

Glass bottle cost up 40%

This shortage causes pressure on prices. Glass bottles cost “up to 40% more expensive than usual”. Which represents an increase of 10 euro cents on each bottle. Rising fuel prices also mathematically increase expenses because energy represents 40% of the cost of production. “We will be forced to increase our prices for all our customers, large retailers and wine merchants”, assures the general manager of Unidor. An increase that he estimates at 3 or 4%.

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