A documentary traces the importance of religion in the life of Robert Schuman, one of the fathers of Europe

It is with Jean Monnet one of the founding fathers of Europe. Robert Schuman (1886-1963) proposed, on May 9, 1950, the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community (CECA), enabling Franco-German reconciliation and the foundation of a united Europe.

The documentary Robert Schuman, the man of borders, commissioned by the diocese of Metz, tells how the Catholic religion influenced the life and political decisions of this discreet man.

Directed by Nadège Kieffer and Christine Martin, the documentary Robert Schuman, the man of borders is the result of nearly a year of work on one of the fathers of Europe. A way to celebrate this unknown man very attached to the city of Metz. “Often, this great figure of Europe is really forgotten even by the Moselle people, we wanted to show the man that he was outside of his political commitments”, reports director Nadège Kieffer.

The 52-minute film gives the floor to eight witnesses to trace the career of the first president of the European assembly. “A first part on the European roots of Robert Schuman, a second part on his Catholic faith and how it permeated all his decisions, and a third part on the various political responsibilities throughout his career”, emphasizes Christine Martin.

Beyond the organization of the European Union, this founding act of the creation of the European Union is also marked by a global construction of institutions: communities, schools, citizens… and even the Church. who has a particular interest in the European project of peace and reconciliation.

This memorable date of 9 May 1950 follows the long journey of life of Robert Schuman, between his Moselle roots, his Catholic faith and his committed career. The documentary highlights the discreet omnipresence and importance of religion in the life of Robert Schuman. “Catholicism is the backbone of Robert Schuman, when he engages in politics he does so as a religious vow, some say of him that he remained a lay monk all his life”, details Ghislain Knepper, author of the book Robert Schuman, politics as a vocation.

Throughout his life, this pious man built his project on his beliefs. In June 2021, Pope Francis declared Robert Schuman venerable. This venerable status allows him to cross a new threshold in the Catholic hierarchy. Indeed, the decision to declare a person venerable by the Pope opens the way to possible beatification and then, perhaps, to the recognition of his holiness.

Robert Schuman, the man of borders is broadcast on KTO’s YouTube channel from May 9 to May 14, 2022.

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