a discussion between friends at the origin of the race

We are at the end of the 70s, rum consumption decreases in France. So we are looking ideas to promote the sector.
One day in 1975, two friends are talking over lunch. One of them is called Florent de Kersauson, Olivier’s brother. The other is called Bernard Hass. He is the General Secretary of the West Indies Sugar and Rum Producers Union. It was during this meeting that the idea of ​​creating a sailing race was launched.

At the time, the organizers of the English transat had decided to limit the size of the boats to 56 feet (17m). A decision that goes badly among the “sailors”. Alain Colas, for example, had explained that he is “not interested in the new transatlantic race if large sailboats are prohibited”. But to launch a sailing race of this importance, you need money. “The project is submitted to Eric Tabarly but the sailor refuses. For him, there are already enough offshore races” remembers Florent de Kersauson interviewed by France Bleu in 2014.

With Bernard Hass, both submit the idea to Michel Etevenon. The man is not a sailor. He is more of a music-hall character, impresario, in charge of promotion at the Olympia in the 1960s. He is also the publicist for Kriter, sponsor of Olivier de Kersauson. Seduced by the project, the first Route du Rhum set sail in 1978.


The great stories of this solo race

The Route du Rhum is first of all Mike Birch’s feat
. The rodeo rider is the first hero of this legendary race. We are the November 28, 1978. The Canadian navigator, aboard his little yellow trimaran “Olympus” enters the history of sailing by winning the first Route du Rhum.

But this first Route du Rhum is also marked by the disappearance of Alain Colas. Manureva no longer responds.
Since November 16, the browser has not given any sign of life. His “ghost boat”, a 20m trimaran, born symbolically a few years earlier under the name “Pen Duick IV” has disappeared. But “Where are you Manureva?”. “What if Manureva was on the banks of the Alsace, in an anchorage in Noumea or a creek in Cuba?” wonders ds a cult song Alain Chamfort. This boat was sponsored by Jane Birkin. Since November 16, 1978, the legend Alain Colas has always haunted the seas.

In 1982, they are 52 skippers to start. A year marked in particular by technical progress. For the first time, all boats are equipped with Argos beacons. It is therefore easier to follow the progress of the boats and to detect any damage.

Four years later in 1986, another disappearance haunts the Route du Rhum. That year, 33 of them attempted the crossing. But the weather is terrible. The depressions follow one another. “Royale” the 26m maxi catamaran capsizes in the storm. Loïc Caradec disappears at sea.

1990 is the year of a woman. A navigator who becomes the “bride of the Atlantic”. In Pointe-à-Pitre, Florence Arthaud becomes a legend. She is the first woman to win, alone facing the ocean and a pack of pursuers.

In 2002, this is the year of all records. 58 competitors are at the start, but 28 finish the race, only three out of 18 arrive in the West Indies in the premier class of 60 foot multihulls. It is a very hollow depression which is at the origin of the hecatomb.

2006, Four years later, Lionel Lemonchois flies over the Atlantic. The sailor smashed the event record held by Laurent Bourgnon by more than four days. (7 days, 17 hours, 19 minutes).

The 2010 edition of the Route du Rhum is marked by the victory of Franck Cammas. His 31.50 meter Groupama 3 is legendary but does not beat the reference time, taking 9 days 3 hours and 14 minutes to cross the Atlantic. This victory is a way for Franck Cammas to celebrate in his own way the return of the giants of offshore racing.

During the 2014 edition, 91 sailboats are gathered on the starting line. It was a record. The race was won by a navigator who had nevertheless entered at the last minute: Loïck Peyron arrived in Guadeloupe in 16 days, 15 hours, 8 minutes and 32 seconds.

2018, after an incredible finish
, Francis Joyon, the dean of the race won the 11th edition of the Route du Rhum, just seven minutes and eight seconds over his opponent François Gabart. A new record. The precedent was set by Loïck Peyron in 2014.


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