Video length: 1 min
SNU: a system that is too costly according to the Court of Auditors
Five years after the creation of the SNU, the universal national service, it is time to take stock. According to the Court of Auditors, this system is too costly.
(France Info)
Five years after the creation of the SNU, the universal national service, it is time to take stock. According to the Court of Auditors, this system is too costly.
The Court of Justice’s report accounts on the SNU, the universal national service, is severe. “Its objectives remain uncertain and therefore poorly understood by the general public.“ states a press release from the Court of Auditors.
A campaign promise by Emmanuel Macron, the SNU was launched in 2019. Until now, it only concerns young volunteers aged between 15 and 17. “It doesn’t affect all young people, social diversity is extremely low“ deplores Pierre Moscovici, the president of the Court of Auditors.
HAS In the long term, the SNU must become mandatory for an entire age group, i.e. around 800,000 young people per year. To this end, it must be generalised by the start of the 2026 school year. “A system without budgetary control and whose cost is largely underestimated“continues the Court of Auditors report.
According to the Sages, the cost The SNU is estimated at more than 10 billion euros. Among its recommendations, it proposes to clarify the objectives of the system and to create suitable ministerial management.