a deliberate and assumed strategy



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Tuesday, January 4, Emmanuel Macron said he wanted to “piss off” the unvaccinated. A controversial sentence but assumed and wanted by the President of the Republic. The political scientist, Jérôme Sainte-Marie, is on the 11 p.m. and explains these words.

For Jérôme Sainte-Marie, Emmanuel Macron wants to create a political divide that goes beyond the left-right divide. A strategy that has always been that of the President of the Republic since the start of his five-year term, especially when he opposed progressivism to nationalism. For Jérôme Sainte-Marie, Emmanuel Macron does not seem to seek to divide the two blocks: the elites and the popular. The political scientist notes that opinions on health policy are more revealing according to age groups. Older people are in favor of stricter health measures and younger people are in favor of more flexible measures.

The interview with the Head of State was validated and reread. These transgressive remarks are therefore perfectly calculated. However, the unvaccinated are legal. The president of the Republic look for to surf the divisions. According to a survey by the FIFG, 63% of French people are in favor of the vaccination pass, 94% among the sympathizers of LREM. Where Emmanuel Macron has a solid electoral base, the oppositions are, for their part, divided. According to Jérôme Sainte-Marie, Emmanuel Macron seeks to seduce the electorate of Valérie Pécresse, the one that the tenant of the Élysée considers as his biggest rival.

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