A deal worth it?


Video length: 3 min

Refurbished bikes: a deal worth it?
Refurbished bikes are a lower-cost alternative for smaller wallets. But are they really worth it? Response elements.
(France 2)

Refurbished bikes are a lower-cost alternative for smaller wallets. But are they really worth it? Response elements.

For walking or going to work, the bike has become essential for some. However, a question arises: how to choose the right one? In fact, there are three types: used, new or reconditioned. This third alternative sometimes costs half as much as new. A workshop specializes in the reconditioning of electric bicycles. There, the price difference is even more notable. It all starts with a vehicle diagnosis to find out which parts need to be replaced.

Once the parts have been changed, the reconditioned bikes still retain some traces of the past. The company then resells them for between 30 and 60% less. To reassure customers, some sellers offer guarantees, for example one year. As with new models, regional aid can partly finance the purchase of a reconditioned bicycle.

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