“A day will come when Marine Le Pen will do like me”, predicts the MEP

The MEP claims to have nothing “against the National Rally or against Marine Le Pen” and joins the polemicist “for ideas”.

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“I have nothing against the National Rally or against Marine Le Pen, no recrimination, no vindictiveness”, assures, Saturday January 22 on France Bleu Gard Lozère, the MEP Gilbert Collard who will leave the RN to support the other far-right presidential candidate, Eric Zemmour. “I join him for the ideas, for the debate, for the taste of freedom and I remain a free man.” He finds his colleagues, MEP Jérôme Rivière and parliamentary assistant Damien Rieu, who have also joined the former columnist.

“I think the day will come when Marine Le Pen will do like me, and join Eric Zemmour”, assures the MEP. “He has for him a dynamic which is that of historical courage, of political courage.”

Gilbert Collard believes that the polemicist had “the merit of lifting the lid of political correctness” and that’“he broke the mafia wall of silence”. “I think we are playing our last freedom and he has the strength and the virtue to fight this fight.” The elected RN will be present at the candidate’s meeting in Cannes (Alpes-Maritimes) this Saturday.

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