A day in France: deer, plums and exceptional ships in the Mediterranean… the news of Friday September 29



Video duration:
1 minute

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – P.-L. Monnier, M.Dana, M. Delaunay, A.Metais, S.Guibout, M.Mouamma F. Tisseaux, J. Fantauzzo

France Televisions

The 20 Hours on the weekend of Friday September 29 invites you to review the last 24 hours of news in France, in images. On the program, the deer mating season in Côte-d’Or, a new variety of plums and exceptional ships in the Mediterranean.

The deer want to squeeze, to flirt. In Côte-d’Or, it’s mating season. Please do not disturb. “I saw that there were signs prohibiting stopping. Not bad. Like this, itleft the game alone”assures a motorist. For the first times, here, cars are asked to move away as soon as 6 p.m.. But, if you are on foot, you have the right to listen. Note to motorists: nearby, you risk a plum…

Plum and vessel of excellence

The Lovita plum is a new variety of plum. In Tarn-et-Garonne, it is resistant to climate change. “We don’t consume a lot of water, and we water about once every two weeks, instead of once a week on a normal plum”explains Mathieu Colombiathe producer. Born in Israel, Lovita is now cultivated by 30 producers in France, and this is only the beginning. In the Mediterranean, there are ships in majesty. The red carpet is rolled out in the bay of Cannes (Alpes-Maritimes) for stars of the seas more than a hundred years old.

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