A columnist reveals to have been sexually abused and thanks Cyril Hanouna for his help

Each year, Cyril Hanouna calls on new columnists to participate in his program “Touche pas à mon poste”. If there are recurring columnists like Isabelle Morini-Bosc, Guillaume Genton, Gilles Verdez, Géraldine Maillet, Valérie Benaïm, Benjamin Castaldi or even Kelly Vedovelli, others appear on an ad hoc basis. We think of Ludivine Rétory, Béatrice Rosen, Pascal Bataille or Clément Garin. The latter has been present from time to time on the screen since January 2020 and Cyril Hanouna seems to appreciate the presence of this journalist from Agen.

Clément Garin reveals to have been sexually abused
On set this Friday March 18, 2022, Clément Garin, who is also Cyril Hanouna’s editorial adviser, once again distinguished himself on C8. The next day, Saturday, he announced on Twitter that he was “in remission”. At Télé Loisirs, the journalist has agreed to say a little more about his state of health when he has just rejoiced to have gained weight.

“I had a lot of psychological problems following sexual abuse by a health professional. I developed panic disorder with agoraphobia, a phobia of everything, I couldn’t do anything, I was cloistered at home. me. And next to that, I had to develop a cerebral nodule, in the right temporal lobe. We had to check for months if it was not multiple sclerosis or more serious than that” revealed Clément Garin before adding: “For the traumatic side of the events that I experienced with this health professional, we learn to live with it.”

I was under the thumb of this gentleman…”
In September 2020, the 25-year-old journalist explained that he had fibromyalgia on Twitter. Almost two years later, he takes stock, still the columns of Télé Loisirs: “I was under the thumb of this health professional who made me dangle all the diseases in the world: fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, a hypothyroidism… And as I was under his control and extremely vulnerable, I believed hard as iron everything he told me because I had become a hypochondriac (…) I was under the control of this gentleman who, in fact, in exchange for his false medical diagnoses, asked for counterparties… We guessed which ones… “

Restored, Clément Garin then spoke of his “super” relationship with Cyril Hanouna: “I will be grateful to him for life for having waited 18 months for me to get better. He offered me the help of his father (who is a doctor, editor’s note) and lots of things, which I will not reveal, to get out of it. He stayed in constant contact with me and promised me that when things were better, I would come back and he would put me back in the antenna”.

See also:

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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