a collective of women calls on the presidential candidates

In a column published in “Liberation”, women involved in #MeToo movements call on candidates to really fight against gender-based and sexual violence.

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“If the demands and testimonies of the various #MeToo movements were heard, mentalities, laws and practices would have evolved.” In a column published Friday, December 10 in Release, several personalities invested in the #MeToo movements (in theater, music, the media, politics, the gay community, or even wine) challenge the presidential candidates on their program so that “men stop harassing, assaulting and raping.”

“This five-year term is that of a great unfulfilled promise concerning the fight against sexual violence. What will happen to the next one? When will there be firm, concrete commitments to provide answers?” questioned, among others, Sandrine Rousseau, candidate for the ecological primary, the writer Alice Zeniter, the filmmaker Andréa Bescond and the journalist Rokhaya Diallo.

The forum recalls in particular that since the emergence of the #MeToo movement, five years ago, many women have denounced patriarchal violence, and that few perpetrators have been convicted. “Some of our aggressors continue to have their place of power, some clink glasses together, applaud themselves in the theater, appear in the media (…) convictions are the exception”, denounce the signatories.

The signatories recall some facts, in particular that more than 100 feminicides have been committed since the beginning of the year 2021, according to the group Feminicides by companions or ex, that 90% of victims of sexual violence hesitate to file a complaint, that 70% of Rape complaints are dismissed and 80% of victims experienced their legal process as additional violence.

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