A barrage of ideas? | The Press

Regardless of party, politicians will never cease to fascinate us with their lack of vision. We will be surprised to turn in circles. Oh misery! Here are the roadblocks again… really?

Posted at 12:00 p.m.

Andre Verge

Andre Verge
Greenfield Park

For 100 years, homocapitalis has constantly destroyed everything to swell its grandeur, reminding us of a legendary frog. I do not deny the benefits of XXe century, but how much longer to move into the 21ste ?

To meet electricity needs, we are always offered the same solutions, either increasing production by destroying everything along the way, reducing our consumption by depriving us of acquired comfort, disfiguring the landscape with wind turbines. Who says better ?

I suggest “reducing demand” through residential load shedding: want more juice? Get us off the net.

Millions of us have roofs, perfect for receiving solar panels capable of making our homes self-sufficient.

And even to give back to Hydro-Quebec. So, instead of putting our billions into environmental destruction, why not invest in more visionary infrastructure?

When will there be a serious residential energy conversion program with adequate funding? We will soon be cut off from fuel oil (bravo), but with no other solution than to put us in personal debt. To believe that our goal in Quebec is to make the fortune of heat pump installers.

Do you think you can save the future with ideas from the past? Well, good luck. But you will have to realize that we are no longer in growth mode. It’s time to save our skin before the sun burns it.

And then, between us, if you have 50 billion dollars to put in a dam, that means that you have it to pay us for solar panels. Nope ? Matter of choice.

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