A bad Hydro-Quebec project | The duty

Replacing current natural gas heating systems with dual-energy systems would not reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at the continental level, since the resulting increased electricity consumption in Quebec would reduce export capacity. electricity to our North American neighbours. These produce their electricity with thermal power plants using coal or natural gas. However, the efficiency of modern natural gas heaters is greater than that of the production of electricity in thermal power stations. The reduction in GHG emissions resulting from the electrification of heating here would be accompanied by a greater increase in emissions from thermal power plants in our neighbours.

This bad project was inspired by a provincial view of GHG emissions, when the problem of global warming is a global problem. It is counterproductive to reduce emissions here if the overall impact is an increase at the continental level. The Régie de l’énergie will not be able to reach a rational conclusion if it neglects the planetary dimension of GHG emissions.

In addition to increasing GHG emissions, this bad Hydro-Quebec project is wasting the money of Hydro subscribers and Quebec taxpayers, since the provincial government plans to subsidize the conversion of natural gas heating systems to dual energy systems.

The 400 million paid by Hydro-Québec to Énergir and the credits of the State should instead be invested in projects that truly reduce emissions. Such as building insulation, geothermal energy and other techniques to reduce electricity consumption during winter peaks. This involves reviewing electricity pricing. This involves lowering the threshold from which power is priced.

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