a “bad choice”, denounces Modem MP Richard Ramos

Michel Barnier, the new Prime Minister appointed by Emmanuel Macron, must now form a government. The Modem has not yet made its decision regarding a possible censure.



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The new Prime Minister Michel Barnier at Matignon on September 5, 2024 (JULIEN MATTIA / LE PICTORIUM / MAXPPP)

“The Republicans were the only party to be against the Republican arc. The LR did not participate in the blockade of the National Rally, and we are going to look for a Prime Minister who himself comes from the Republicans”denounced Friday, September 6 on franceinfo the Modem deputy Richard Ramos. The nomination of LR Michel Barnier as Prime Minister to replace Gabriel Attal is a “bad choice”, believes the elected representative of Loiret affirming that “the balance of the National Assembly had to be either Mr. Cazeneuve or Mr. Bayrou.”

Richard Ramos dismisses the possibility of participation in the new government, because it does not correspond to what the French wanted and it is disrespectful of the republican arch”he says.“We couldn’t do it with LFI, but we could do it very well with moderate socialists and moderate ecologists.”

As for a possible motion of censure of the Barnier government voted by the Modem group in the Assembly, “the decision has not yet been made”, Richard Ramos assures. “We will have in the coming hours, with the Modem, a response which will be collegial”adds the deputy, sensing however that “The movement’s position will be to give Mr. Barnier a chance.”

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