A historic event for and by survivors of prostitution

Saturday 1er June, Quebec will witness a historic event: the first survivors’ march organized for and by survivors of prostitution. This event will kick off the World Congress to End the Sexual Exploitation of Women and Girls, which will bring together survivors, advocates, researchers, activists and parliamentarians.

The Equality in Action conference is organized by the Coalition to Abolish Prostitution (CAP International), which brings together survivor and grassroots organizations that work with 18,000 women and girls who are victims of sexual exploitation around the world. “No equality is possible as long as men can use their privileges to buy access to women’s bodies and sexuality,” underlines Cherie Jimenez, survivor of prostitution and president of SPACE International.

We describe a feminist, intersectional and anti-racist analysis of the issues surrounding the issue of prostitution, because we know that the sex industry is based on different intersecting oppressions: sexism, racism, colonialism, imperialism, classism, capitalism… Our common objective is to promote equality and dignity for all women.

Among the different legislative models surrounding prostitution that exist around the world, only one takes into account the social and economic inequalities inherent in prostitution. This is the Nordic model, also called the “Equality model”.

Inspired by testimonies from survivors, this legislative model recognizing prostitution as violence that hinders human dignity is based on four pillars:

– Total decriminalization of people in prostitution.

– Providing exit pathways and support services for people in prostitution.

– The criminalization of those who profit from sexual exploitation: sex buyers, pimps and traffickers.

– The establishment of awareness campaigns on consensual and egalitarian relationships and on the non-commodification of women.

Adopted by Canada, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, France, Ireland, Israel and the state of Maine in the United States, the Equality model sends the message that as a society we cannot not tolerate a practice that reinforces inequalities between women and men by normalizing the idea that women can be bought or sold like commodities by those with money and power.

We advocate access to guaranteed income, universal health care and social services, subsidized housing, as well as the granting of residence permits to women victims of the prostitution system. More rights and services are essential to offer women a real alternative to prostitution, ensuring them security, justice, autonomy and full citizenship.

The richness of our conference is based on the diversity of profiles and experiences of panelists, survivors and participants. This is a unique opportunity to hear testimonies and analysis, particularly from Indigenous, women of color and the Global South. This congress will allow the meeting of speakers engaged in the fight for equality and women’s rights, the understanding of the reality of prostitution and its inclusion in a continuum of violence against women.

Because we believe in an egalitarian, progressive and collective left, we will march at 2 p.m. for all women and girls who are victims of the prostitution system.

* Co-signed this letter: Solwodi (Germany); Sisters (Germany); Isala (Belgium); KEYS (Canada); Vancouver Rape Relief (Canada); Fundación Empodérame (Colombia); KFUKS (Denmark); Exit (Finland); Nest movement (France); Scelles Foundation (France); Apne Aap (India); South Kolkata Hamari Muskan (India); Ruhama (Ireland); Stigamot (Iceland); Iroko (Italy); Kafa (Lebanon); Marta Center (Latvia); Klaipeda (Lithuania); Dar Hosea (Malta); Comisión Unidos vs Trata (Mexico); Talita Asia (Mongolia); People Serving Girls at Risk (Malawi); Maiti (Nepal); Wahine Toa Raising (New Zealand); Sawa (Palestine); O Ninho (Portugal); Crisis Center for Women (Russia); Comisión para la Investigación de Malos Tratos a Mujeres (Spain); Acción Contra la Trata (Spain); Women at the Well (UK); Talita (Sweden); 1000 Möjligheter (Sweden); Eva Center (United States); Breaking Free (United States); Democracy Development Center (Ukraine); SPACE International (International Network of Survivors of Prostitution); CATW (Coalition Against Trafficking in Women); Feminist Coalition against Violence Against Women (CFVF); Asian Women for Equality.

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